
Our Impact

Storm Robotics is proud of its profound, and lasting impact on its community. Realizing that FIRST is #morethanrobots, we have setup several outreach programs, and have no intention of stopping.

  • Food4Lives - As part of our partnership with Food4Lives, a nonprofit organization dedicated to feed, educate, and empower the homeless of downtown Atlanta, Storm Robotics members help spread awareness about their program and volunteer at the food distribution opportunities.
  • Periods for the People - As both Period for the People and Storm Robotics are both student-led organizations, we help support their mission of bring period products to those at risk by running donation drives at competitions and in our community. The level of partitpation we have seen from GAFirst has been incredible, and we look forward to continuing this program in the future!
  • Milton Library STEM Workshops - As part of our mission to help spread STEM in our community, we ran a STEM workshops for young students in our community. We went through some basics of java, and some cool drones! Due to the state-wide election, we unfortunately could not hold it in June. But we look forward to holding them weekly in July!
  • STEM Summer Camp - Another affirmation of our mission, we look forward to holding STEM summer camps as part of a partnership with a local communtiy center. Storm Robotics members design and teach a curriculum aimed at engaging and teaching students from ages 7-14!

Storm Robotics holds a strong commitment towards benefiting its community. We realize that the true meaning of FIRST is not to compete and win, but to educate those around us and permeate robotics across our community. This manifests itself in two ways, through STEM outreach, and community outreach. Throughout the rest of our lifetime, our impact on the community will continue to be a critical and core aspect of who we are and what we aspire to do.

Can we help with your project?

We would love to help with anything! Whether it be STEM camps, workshops, or general community service, Storm is always ready to help. Get in contact with us: